Do custom actions need to be redone going from FB7 to FB8

We have a bunch of custom actions we created with action studio that uses C# to execute. what do we need to do if anything to make these work with FB 8? thanks.

Hi Garth,

Yes you will need to open then all up in Action Studio and add a serialisation ID. In addition the custom actions need to be copied into the FinalBuilder 8 ActionDefs folder, and the binaries need to be placed in the ActionDefs\Assemblies\4.0 directory. Lastly you can also move towards .Net4.0 for all your C# actions as we now load this CLR by default. 

One thing I forgot to mention is that you will also need to re-link to the FinalBuilder 8 interop assemblies instead of FinalBuilder 7 ones. These are found in the FinalBuilder 8 ActionDefs\Assemblies\4.0 directory. 

So in summary:
- Add a serialisation ID through Action Studio
- Re-link to FinalBuilder 8 interop assemblies found in ActionDefs\Assemblies\4.0  
- Copy actions into ActionDefs, binaries into ActionDefs\Assemblies\4.0
- Update C# actions to .Net4.0 as you see fit.

Edit: forgot about re-linking to FinalBuilder 8 interop assemblies for C# actions

Can I use the same ID as is displayed in the ver 7 action studio?

Hi Garth,

Its best to have some sort of naming structure to them that is human readable. Something like Action.MyCompany.ThingItDoes. This will then mean when you see the serialisation name in the new file structure (through merging or manual review if required) you will know what action the section is referring to.

With that said, you can place any text in the name as long as it unique and alpha-numeric characters.