Duplicate chars when using [Send Keyboard Input]

I have a [Send Keyboard Input] command which is meant to type-in:

   I:\apps\HTML_Holidays\Comments\Q++ Studio Additional Country Information.hmx

into a the File Open dialog of Help & Manual 4.

This works fine 95% of the time but once in a while some of the characters are duplicated (see attached screenshot of all the different "recent files" which should all have been identical).

Any idea what the problem could be ?

I thought of using the clipboard instead, but this project runs from the scheduler and the help file says that "GetClipBoardText does nothing when FinalBuilder is run from the scheduler.".

Any suggestions ?


Hi Olivier

My apologies for the delay in responding, not sure why we didn’t see this post before. We are using System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait to send the keys in one go… so my guess is that perhaps sendkeys is not totally reliable, it relies on windows messaging and that means the application must process the keys properly. H&M is a delphi application, and from experience I can say that delphi apps do behave a bit differently when menus are showing.