Edit XML file, Multiple nodes at once?


I have an XML file in the Attachment (test.xml),

and I want to change all the values of the elements to "test".
I tried to achieve this with the "Edit XML File object" in Final Builder 5
but it only changes the first elements value.

My XPATH string is: //stringField

A picture of the object its settings can be found as an attachment.

Thx in advance.


test.xml (339 B)


You should be able to do this by using the xml node iterator, something like this :

XML Document Define Action - loads the document

XML Node iterator - set the xpath to return the nodes you want to change.

- set the variable to the absolute xpath of the node

then use the Edit XML File action with the xpath variable


Ok I set it up like you told me with the same settings, but it looks like it doesn't iterate well.
It even doesn't change one element.

I've put a screenshot of the build log in the attachment so you can have a look at it.



that’s a bit odd… can you send us your project file and we’ll see if we can sort it out. Email to support at finalbuilder.com


I sent it over to the support department, waiting for a solution...