I have setup a new Exchange email server and am trying to get the build process to send an email, but it is not working. It shows a failure, but the log acts like it is fine.Below is the log of the Send
Email action, but it does not indicate what the failure was.Here is a link to a screen snippet of the action failure:
I would love to know how to fix the email send but I don’t get any hints.
Ed Dressel
Build details
Date: 3/23/2017
Time: 14:02:46:560
End: 14:02:46:604
Duration: 00:00:00:044
Action Messages:
Action Properties
ActionComment =
AttachmentsObject =
Authenticate = True
BccSource = asSpecify
BccVariable =
BodyObject =
CopyToSource = asSpecify
CopyToVariable =
Description = Build details
Enabled = True
EnableTimeout = False
Encoding =
ExpandActionLogTitle = True
HideActionFromLog = False
Host = mail.tbinc.com
HTMLMessage = True
IgnoreFailure = False
IgnoreIndivualFailures = False
IgnoreMissingAttachments = False
Locked = False
LogActionProperties = True
LogSSLNegotiation = False
LogToVariable =
MaxRetryAttempts = 0
Mode = 0
PathOfBccFile =
PathOfCopyToFile =
PathOfRecipientFile =
PathOfReplyToFile =
PauseInterval = 0
PlainBodyObject =
PopBeforeSMTP = False
POPHost =
POPPort = 110
Port = 25
Priority = 2
RecipientsSource = asSpecify
RecipientVariable =
ReplyToSource = asSpecify
ReplyToVariable =
RetryPauseInterval = 1000
Subject = Details for “%EXENAME%” build (Source Directory: "…
SuppressStatusMessages = False
TimeoutLength = 1
UseEhlo = True
UseGlobalOptions = False
UserId = TB\Ed Dressel
UseSSL = False
UseTLS = utNoTLSSupport
3/23/2017 2:02:46 PM : 221 Closing connection. Good bye.
Disconnected. : Disconnected.
Hi Ed Dressel,
I will be looking into this issue today. At a minimum I am looking at giving your a release that will have more logging available.
Hi Ed Dressel,
I have update the Send Mail action to provide more logging output. This should give more information as to why the action failed.