Enable runtime themes Delphi


If I build my project in the Delphi XE5 Pro IDE with enabled runtime themes my application looks like I want it to look. If I how ever run the same project in finalbuilder 8.0 it looks not the same. (icon backgrounds are not transparent anymore for example) .

I saw this topic https://www.finalbuilder.com/forums.aspx?aff=1&aft=5012&afv=topic but I still can’t get it to work. My questions:

The thread is from 2007 but is it still actual?

Starting from a emtpy “build delphi” action what steps do I need to take to make this work!

Thanks in advance!


Hi Louis,

Yes your correct the same steps in the post you have linked should work for you as well. The issue will be that the manifest file is not being linked to the build. You will need to specify the manifest file in the resource compiler tab (last tab in the Delphi action dialog).

Thank you very much it works now