I have been using FB for many years.
Now it is running on a server in Google cloud.
It was decided to upgrade Devexpress to version 24.2.4.
Unfortunately there are some patches to Devexpress.
It works by Devexpress is installed in Program files on server. Source is not committed to Git.
Very early in searchpath in project options there are a patch-path to Devexpress source that are committed. The path also contains version.
So the patch-path is $(AttracsRepoRoot)\Attracs-Common\components\patches\DevEx$(DevExVer)
AttracsRepoRoot is the root of repo. Basically never change.
But DevExVer change when Devexpress is upgraded
When compiling if file was found in patch-path it is used otherwise default
C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress\VCL is used.
I checked so both Attracs-Common\components\patches\DevEx\24.1.7 and Attracs-Common\components\patches\DevEx\24.2.4 exists and contained the patched source.
$(DevExVer) is edited in Delphi IDE by Tools/Options/Environment Variables.
Then edit in User System Overrides.
Delphi 11.3 us used.
So all this works fine when compile in Delphi IDE.
But not in FinalBuilder. The log:
Generating compiler configuration file…
Saving compiler configuration file : C:\Attracs\Attracs-Ahola\code\AttracsServer.cfg
Running Delphi compiler…
Using Command Line : /B C:\Attracs\Attracs-Ahola\code\AttracsServer.dpr /Q
Embarcadero Delphi for Win64 compiler version 35.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2022 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress\VCL\ExpressLibrary\Sources\dxUIABase.pas(2614) Error: E2003 Undeclared identifier: ‘dxClientToScreen’
C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress\VCL\ExpressLibrary\Sources\dxForms.pas(392) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit ‘dxUIABase.pas’
Btw, this was the same error I had before I change DevExVer variable from 24.1.7 to 24.2.4 in IDE. If I remove the patch-path from project it compiles.
So it seems that FB fail to read the changed path. I have verified the contents of registry Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\Environment Variables/DevExVer and it is correct 24.2.4.
Any ideas ?