Environment variable useing in conditions are not up to date

I tried to make a condition for a configuration with a Environment variable . The value of the Environment variable i used for the condition have always the same value was set at the startup of the Server. But if i us the Action “Log Entry” to return the Environment variable it have the value was set at the start of the Configuration. So if i use the Environment variable in the Configuration it is up to date but if i use the Environment variable in the condition it have always the same value.
Is it possible to make somthing like $Agent.GetMachineEnvironmentVariable(“ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME”)$ for the Server like $Server.GetMachineEnvironmentVariable(“ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME”)$?

Each process that is run by the Continua agent will get the environment as it stood when the Continua process was run. So if we have an environment variable of ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME which was equal to “Test” when Continua this will be its initial value for each process/action started by Continua.

To aid in setting environment variables across actions they have environment variables section where the environment can be overridden or added to.

Environment Variables