ERROR Failed to query history of version control repository : Method not found: Int32 System.Environment.get_CurrentManagedThreadId()


After importing project from finalbuilder server and adjusting the different fileds i got the following error

[DEBUG] Getting branch list for TFS repository '$/VB6_GetalConversie’
DEBUG] Time taken to get branch list for TFS repository ‘$/VB6_GetalConversie’ is 186ms
[DEBUG] Getting latest changesets for TFS repository ‘$/VB6_GetalConversie’ using query path ‘$/VB6_GetalConversie/Dev/Dev’ and comparison changeset id -1
[DEBUG] Querying TFS history for the latest changeset on branch path ‘$/VB6_GetalConversie/Dev/Dev’
[ERROR] Failed to query history of version control repository : Method not found: Int32 System.Environment.get_CurrentManagedThreadId().

I checked the configuration repository and the TFS settings. I got a green light when is press the validate button there, so there is a conenction to TFS.

What else can be wrong or i need to check?


Found it myself. I needs Visual Studio to be installed, after that the connection was ok