since installing Continua CI Version I got the following error when sync the workspace at a stage:
There where noch changes done. The synchronization had been working for more than 1 Year with this file.
Could you help me?
There was an error with stage: Code coverage. Message: Error initialising workspace on agent ‘zde105’: Exception: UnauthorizedAccessException
Message: (5) Access is denied: [\?\C:\CI_WS\Ws\18080\Output\Test.ParametersetManager\BinaryFiles\ReadOnlyFile.bin]
Stack Trace: at Alphaleonis.Win32.NativeError.ThrowException(UInt32 errorCode, String readPath, String writePath)
at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File.CopyMoveCore(Boolean isFolder, KernelTransaction transaction, String sourceFileName, String destinationFileName, Boolean preserveDates, Nullable1 copyOptions, Nullable
1 moveOptions, CopyMoveProgressRoutine progressHandler, Object userProgressData, PathFormat pathFormat)
at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo.CopyToMoveToCore(String destinationPath, Boolean preserveDates, Nullable1 copyOptions, Nullable
1 moveOptions, CopyMoveProgressRoutine progressHandler, Object userProgressData, String& longFullPath, PathFormat pathFormat)
at Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destinationPath, Boolean overwrite)
at Continua.Shared.Utils.PathUtilities.TryCopyFileAndPreservePath(String sourceFile, String commonPath, String targetPath, Boolean preserveDirectoryStructure, String& destinationFilePath, Boolean overwriteExisting)
at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.FileSync.UNCTransport.Copy(String destination, String pattern, IEnumerable1 excludes, String basePath, RuleOperator op, Int32& filesCounted) <br> at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.FileSync.UNCTransport.CopyFilesFromServerToAgent(IEnumerable
1 rules, String destination)
at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.AgentBuildHelper.SyncWorkspaceFromServer(TransportContextDTO context, IEnumerable1 rules, AgentWorkspaceSyncContext workspaceCtx) <br> at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.AgentBuildHelper.InitialiseWorkspaceOnAgent(IAgentCallbackProxy proxy, TransportContextDTO source, Guid callId) <br> at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.AgentBuildRunner.OnInitialisingWorkspace(Transition
1 inState)
when I was searching for a workaround, I got some more information about this error. It seem that the workspace will not be cleaned after stage completed. The result is that with a file which is synchronized at more than one following stages you will get an “access denied” error. Could you please check this?
Some more Information:
this error accures when writing back readonly files to server and load these file to the next stage.