Error when SVN path contains spaces

I’m running a FinalBuilder script from ContinuaCI ( and I’m getting the following error:

Cannot get new changesets for repository @link(2002, b88e3871-bd30-46bf-a261-def4c0a6ba6c)[ProjectName_SVN]: External target folder ‘https://v-svn/svn/redacted/Folder%20Name%20Here/Trunk/Install/ProjInstall’ is not under repository folder 'https://v-svn/svn/redacted/Folder Name Here

The script works fine from FinalBuilder or when run through FinalBuilder Server.

Any ideas?


Hi Miruna,

Thank you for reporting this. We have replicated this issue and you can download a build with the fix using the following links:

ContinuaCI Server 64 bit  v1.0.0.3016
ContinuaCI Agent 64 bit v1.0.0.3016
ContinuaCI Server 32 bit v1.0.0.3016
ContinuaCI Server 32 bit v1.0.0.3016

That worked. Thanks, Dave!

Hi again!

We’re currently running and we’ve got a similar issue to the one above except that it now happens if you have periods in the repository path:

An error occurred while checking out ‘https://v-svn/svn/redacted/project name’ to working folder ‘D:\ContinuaCI\ServerDataShare\Rc\6164bee2’. Message: Error running SVN log : Running C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe with arguments “checkout --ignore-externals --quiet --force “https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/Branches/9.2/” --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache --username domain\builduser *********************** .” failed with return code 1 and error output: "svn: E170000: URL ‘https://v-svn/svn/redacted/project%20name/Branches/9.2’ doesn’t exist

Hi Miruna,

I’ve not been able to replicate this one. Continua runs svn checkout here with periods, spaces or %20 in the url. I notice that the error message from the svn checkout command has a slightly different url as the one is the command arguments. I guess you’ve edited it before posting?

It looks like the path in the command, https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/Branches/9.2/, is an external. Can you check that this the correct path to the external? Maybe Continua has worked this path out incorrectly? Can you try opening a command prompt, changing directory to a new temporary  folder and running the command “svn checkout --ignore-externals --quiet --force “https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/Branches/9.2/” --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache --username domain\builduser *********************** .”. Do you get the same error?

Sorry about that, i missed a spot when i edited the message. The project name and path match in all 3 places except for the URL one which has a %20 instead of the space. We already have a repository that points to https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/trunk and that works fine, but i get the error above when i make one for https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/Branches/9.2.

Hi Miruna,

We are not sending the %20 instead of a space - the Subversion server is responding with the %20 in the error message. Even if we do send %20 the SVN checkout command still works.

What SVN server software are you using? Could it be that it is set up to exclude periods? Can you also check the case of the branch URL? The SVN server we use (Visual SVN) is case sensitive. Maybe you need to enter ‘branches’ instead of ‘Branches’?

Try running the command from the error message in a command prompt. e.g.

svn checkout --ignore-externals --quiet --force https://v-svn/svn/lf/project name/Branches/9.2/" –non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache --username domain\builduser --password yourpassword

If you get the same error then the URL is wrong or not accepted by the server.