Can we export license keys in FinalBuilder to install it on different machine? if not then how do we move machine?
We are changing our build machine and I need to install FinalBuilder there.
I am using FinalBuilder 6 here.
Any help appreciated.
Your licence file is located in %ProgramData%\VSoft\FinalBuilder6\ take a copy of this file from the old machine to the new. Once copied delete it from the old machines %ProgramData%\VSoft\FinalBuilder6\ location.
I’ve had shown hidden files to ‘ON’ and found only 3 ini-files on this specific location. I copied them to the new machine (from server 2008 to 2012). This however, did not work. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
A side note I’m using Finalbuilder 4…
The location for FinalBuilder 4 configuration files should be %ProgramData%\VSoft\FinalBuilder4, however I don’t have easy access to a FinalBuilder 4 installation to confirm this.