"Export Log to File" does nog contain the error from compiler action


I’m trying to figure out why the export to log does nog contain anything usefull. Right now it just exports rows in a table with description/status. In the row with status=‘error’ nothing usefull appears while the settings seem good (see attachment for settings on “export log to file”). Tweaking the settings does not change anything. What 'm I missing?

The whole finalbuilder project has lost of tabsheets/actions. In this case the preparation of the (tabsheet) “run testcases” calls the tabsheet “testcase” which calls “make release” which calls compiler" and there is fails. I expected the output of the (Delphi XE) compilation in the exported html file but it isn’t there. I can see the error in the finalbuilder “Show all error Actions” so i assume there is some kind of bug or oversight on my part.

 Delphi XE
Windows 7 Ultimate (fully patched)


Hi Marius,

The export log should only contain actions that have reported an error. If your only seeing a few actions, and their status are all error then the export is working correctly based on the settings. If you more actions to be logged you will need to turn off the “Only Include error action in log” option.

If your looking for more information about the action listed in the report you can click on its description and see all the logging that was done by that action.

Not sure if I understand (or i i was clear enough)

AFAIK the exported file should contain the details error (from the compiler etc, like “variable does not exist”)? If thats the case the currect export is buggy and for us useless. The setting dialog on http://wiki.finalbuilder.com/display/FB8/Export+Log+Action suggest that the checkbox for “Include Action Output” -> “Check this option to include the action messages in the log” should add the output from the compiler action, bit it does nothing (see example html in attachment). So does that checkbox capture the output from the Delphi compiler or not?

PS; Clicking the GUI surely gives the right information, but it is clumbsy and time consuming and we have a lot of compilations and versions. Having the (collapsed) errorlog mailed with the errors expanded is our target. The currect errorlog only contains “error” and we would like to have some more details.


It seems your default html report template has been altered. Please reinstall FinalBuilder 8 to get the correct default template. If you require the alterations for another project please save the default template to another location and specify it in the export log action.

If this still does not correct the situation please post the default html report template here for us to review. The default html report template is called ConvertLogToHTML.xsl and is located in  %FinalBuilder 8 Install Directory%\StyleSheets.

Hello Jason,

I finally got around to reinstall FB. I uninstalled and removed all remainders of FB7 and FB8 and reinstalled (and reconfigured all tools). It reports exactly the same as before (no changes). I never made any changes to the defaut html report either.

And the attachment ConvertLogToHTML.xsl as requested

__38001__0__ConvertLogToHTML.zip (2.885 KB)

Hi Marius,

Below is a zipped test log that I generated with the same settings that you have. It writes out all errors that have occurred and click on the error expands to allow viewing of the messages for that action.

Would you be able to send us an example script and resulting error log with the behaviour your seeing. Please feel free to send this to support@finalbuilder.com. At present we are unable to reproduce what your seeing.

__38002__0__errorlog.zip (1.689 KB)

Thanks for this info.