Export Log to File gets unexpected results

Running FinalBuilder

I'm creating a project that will connect to an sFTP server, get a FileSet and upload the FileSet.  When the job runs and I look at the build log I can see all the files that were found when building the fileset and all the files that were uploaded. I can also export the log to HTML from the Build History and I'm able expand the actions and see the same detail.

My issue is that the last action in my project is to export log as html and the html file is created but the only information in the file is for Action Name=Action List but no details. I have tried many different options in the export log but can't get the details.

Is there a way to set the "Export Log" action to export the same thing I get when manually exporting a log from the Build History?




Hi Dave

The exported log file is collapsed by default, it’s possible you just haven’t clicked on the desciption for an action to expand it. There are also Show/Hide links on the right hand side of the page that expand/collapse all actions.