Export to TXT log: prevent Action Properties from being truncated


would you please let me know where in the XSL file I can modify to prevent truncation like:

Target = %varOutputRootFolder%\Obfuscated%varSubPathEngine…

I would like to see the whole value.


Hi Dave,

The XSL default files live in the StyleSheets directory of your FinalBuilder installation. We don’t recommend altering the defaults, but copying them out into a directory for your current project and altering them there.

Hi Jason,

do you know which setting in the XSL that I need to change?


Hi Dave,

You don’t need to change the xsl directly to affect the width of columns in the text export log. We provide settings which can be set in the export log action itself. The options are listed at the top of each xsl template we provide. You can add any which you would like to use also. The options you would be interested in are as follows (supplied with defaults):

<xsl:param name=“StatusWidth” select=“15”></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name=“ActionTypeWidth” select=“25”></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name=“DescriptionWidth” select=“80”></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name=“StartTimeWidth” select=“11”></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name=“EndTimeWidth” select=“9”></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name=“RunTimeWidth” select=“9”></xsl:param>

To change these in the export log action simply enter them into the parameters section of the export log action with the new value you wish to give them. I would suggest starting with the description field width as this appears to be causing the primary issue.