Failed tests not displayed

Finally i was able to finish the setup of our build process.

Runs 2 times faster than FinalBuilder Server before. Thats good.

But now, i see that 125 tests failed but i cannot list them by pressing the "Failed" button on the "Unit Tests" tab.

If i click the "Total" or "Passed" one, everything is ok. Only "Failed" does not work. I get an empty list.

Changing the values of "Display By" doesn't help either.

Any ideas?

Hi Christian,

can you check your Continua event log and see if any errors are being thrown when you try to access the failed tests? Also, can you send through some screenshots of the failed list so we can see what is going on? It may also be worth checking if any javascript errors are being thrown when you switch to the failed tests link

JavaScript is working fine. In the event log appear 520 errors :smile:

Picking some of them point out show me: <


NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException: could not insert: Continua.Modules.Builds.UnitTests.UnitTest#d19b3b5b-3641-44b9-bfb6-a1ee017ae8c5
SQL: INSERT INTO builds_unittest (buildid, configurationid, stageid, assemblyname, namespace, fixture, name, messages, stacktrace, result, success, executed, testtime, hash, changed, isnew, shelved, firstfailedbuildid, firstfailedbuildversion, Id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)] —> Npgsql.NpgsqlException: FEHLER: 23502: NULL-Wert in Spalte »namespace« verletzt Not-Null-Constraint
at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.<ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3>d__a.MoveNext()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRowDescription()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.NextResult()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader…ctor(IEnumerable1 dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, Boolean synchOnReadError) <br> at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) <br> at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() <br> at NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.ExecuteNonQuery(IDbCommand cmd) <br> at NHibernate.AdoNet.NonBatchingBatcher.AddToBatch(IExpectation expectation) <br> at NHibernate.Persister.Entity.AbstractEntityPersister.Insert(Object id, Object&#91;&#93; fields, Boolean&#91;&#93; notNull, Int32 j, SqlCommandInfo sql, Object obj, ISessionImplementor session) <br> --- End of inner exception stack trace --- <br> at NHibernate.Persister.Entity.AbstractEntityPersister.Insert(Object id, Object&#91;&#93; fields, Boolean&#91;&#93; notNull, Int32 j, SqlCommandInfo sql, Object obj, ISessionImplementor session) <br> at NHibernate.Persister.Entity.AbstractEntityPersister.Insert(Object id, Object&#91;&#93; fields, Object obj, ISessionImplementor session) <br> at NHibernate.Impl.StatelessSessionImpl.Insert(String entityName, Object entity) <br> at NHibernate.Impl.StatelessSessionImpl.Insert(Object entity) <br> at Continua.Modules.Builds.UnitTests.UnitTestManager.RegisterUnitTests(Int32 buildId, Guid stageId, IList1 unitTests, IEnumerable`1 metrics, Boolean updateMetrics)

Hi Christian

What unit test framework are you using? Are you able to cut your unit tests project down to a single unit test that reproduces this error? It looks like our xml test parsing is failing to find a namespace for the tests.

we are using MSTest. Hm, we have 15 test projects, i need to have a look to find it out. Would the TRX file help you?

Yes, can you send the trx file to support @ - we can run through it with the debugger and see what is failing.


Hi Christian,

We have fixed the issue with the failed tests not showing. Basically we had a bug in the way we were parsing the namespaces in mstests. This fix will be in the latest build which should be released this afternoon. Ill let you know when the latest build is released.

thank you. always very nice, fast support and fixes. good job. i hope continua will be what finalbuilder server never was :slight_smile:

Hey Christian, I have just uploaded the latest build (v1.0.0.2256) which includes the fix for your MStest issues. It is not yet live on the main site, instead you should use the links below.

64-bit server and agent installer

32-bit server and agent installer

seems to work. no more errors in the event log.