FB 7 - COM+ & Windows Server 2012 R2

FB running environment: Windows server 2003 R2
Remote environment: Same domain, same IP class, Windows server 2012R2

Dear Support Team,

I’m trying to find a solution to perform this action:
- COM+ Shutdown Application.

We created a script with only one action. This script is running fine on a remote Windows Server 2003 R2 but not on a Windows Server 2012 R2 it failed with “type mismatch” error… nothing more
From the command “COM+ Shutdown”:
Information written on each field:
- Host computer:
  ** with the IP and/or with the Windows Server 2012 R2 machine name,
- COM+ Application:
   ** I used the ID with the full content {…} and/or without “{”  “}”, I tried also with the Name of the COM+ Application,
- Partition:
  ** I used the ID with the full content {…} and/or without “{”  “}”, I tried also with the Name of the COM+ Application,

When the script is running from the finalbuilder server installation (Windows server 2003 R2) to a remote Windows Server 2003 R2 it works fine, when I ran the same script but the remote is a Windows Server 2012 R2 it failed with “type mismatch” error…
I tried to activate logs but it seems that we got a limited possibilities.

Could you please help us…

Thank you.

Kind regards

We found that the exception handling for the COM+ actions was causing an exception in its own right. We have corrected this now so that the actions will report the error occurring for you correctly.
