Hi Support Team,
the FinalBuilder does not store any setting made via Tools, Run Configure FinalBuilder Wizard. I uncheck all Version Control Systems but Git, proceed all other pages and save the settings as usual. If I start the Wizard again, any page on the wizard has every option checked. There is no way to achieve the bahavior as known under Win 7.
Run as admin also does not work. There is not Virtual Store (neither in file system nor in registry) on the PC. Everything seems to be OK.
I use FB700_3202, an installation of FB700_2232 has the same behaviour.
Is FB7 declared not compliant with Win 8.1 / 20012 R2?
Best regards
Hi Michael
You need to run FinalBuilder as administrator to save those settings. It’s unfortunate, but UAC makes life very difficult for automation tools. The settings are stored in an ini file (not the registry), which is located under c:\programdata\vsoft\finalbuilder7
If you grant the Users group write access to c:\programdata\vsoft\finalbuilder7 you will not need to run as admin.
Hi Vincent,
thanks for your answer, but I told you that “Run as admin also does not work”.
Please check the following:
- start FB 7
- Tools / Run Config Wizard
- Next (on my Win 7 PC not all checkboxes are tagged)
- Select All
- Next
- Back (-> all checks marked)
- Select None
- Next
- Back (-> again all checks marked)
Also without ‘select all’ / ‘select none’: tagging of a checkbox is possible (remains after Next / Back), but untagging is not possible: the checkbox appears tagged after Next / Back. And exactly this seems to be the reason why my selection is not saved (always all options are set).
This is neither related to elevation nor to Windows 2012 R2 (as I assumed before).
I encountered this on my PC (Win 7), a build machine (Win 2012 R2) and my colleague has the same problem on a new installed Win 7 machine. So I hope you’re able to reproduce it.
Best regards
Hi Michael,
I have found the issue in the wizard and have uploaded a fix which can be located here;
Please let me know how this build goes for you.
Hi Jason,
well done 3223 provides the missing behavior.
Thank you for the quick help.