FB Server trigger issue: "Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\VSoft\FBServer7\Logging\Application\06-02-2012 - Application.txt' is denied."

 We have many triggers in our FB server.  Occasionally the project will show an error in FB server with "Trigger Error" beneath it.   Click edit on the trigger and you see the error message in red:

Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\VSoft\FBServer7\Logging\Application\06-02-2012 - Application.txt' is denied.

The filename changes from time to time, but the path is the same.  

To correct this, and restart the trigger, we have to edit the trigger, then save the trigger without actually making any changes.  On the next "edit project" screen, we can click cancel.  The "Trigger Error" goes away from the FB server project display and the trigger seems to respond correctly from then on.

Please correct this issue so that triggers either auto-corrects themselves, or fix the root cause.  Either way works great for us!





Hi John,

Could you update to the following build of FinalBuilder Server as we’ve added better handling around the logging to the log files.

URL: https://www.finalbuilder.com/downloads/fbserver7/FBServer_7.0.0.329.exe
