FB7 Can't found EurekaLog

Why ecc32.exe must placed in %Delphi7%\bin directory ? If I change placement of ecc32.exe and add them in enviroment variable "Path" then finalbuilder return result "EurekaLog command-line compiler not found. Please make sure you have specified the correct Delphi compiler version and that EurekaLog is correctly installed for that version." 
I use a different version of Eurekalog in different branches of my project. For each brunch right environment.

That’s because we do not search the path for the executable, we use the exact path to the exe. Using the path is a bad idea for delphi, because every version of delphi adds itself to the path, so you end up using the wrong compiler. For eureaklog, all we do is replace dcc32.exe with ecc32.exe.

Posted By Vincent Parrett on 22 Jan 2013 07:13 PM
That's because we do not search the path for the executable, we use the exact path to the exe. Using the path is a bad idea for delphi, because every version of delphi adds itself to the path, so you end up using the wrong compiler. For eureaklog, all we do is replace dcc32.exe with ecc32.exe.

But, EurekaLog will  is workable from Delphi IDE even if I move ecc32.exe to another directory and add path to environment variable. Thereby, behavior of FB doesn't match to behaviour of EurekaLog.

This build will search the path for ecc32.exe if it’s not found in the same folder as dcc32.exe :


Same problem occure with FB8 Build and EurekaLog RC 15 for RAD Studio 2007.
EurekaLog only works with FB8 if I copy ecc32.exe to RAD Studio bin folder

Copying the eurekalog compiler into the rad studio bin folder is the correct option for RS2007 as that was always the way it worked before Embarcadero added their copy protection that stopped that working (in one of the XE versions I think).