FB7 Delphi6 and versioninfo


We are moving our project from FB6 to FB7.

It contains Delphi6 and C++Builder6 actions.

We do not use Property Set to store Version Info, but we include version info in the action. we also check the "auto increment build number"

  • In FB6, a .fbpinf was updated each time we run the action within the IDE. I do not find a way to get this behaviour back.
  • each time I run the delphi action, the build version is incremented (thats ok). A close the .fbz7 project (no unsaved chaged popup). If I re-open my project, the build version is lost.
    If I save the project (even if it seems not changed), I then get the latest build version when I re-open the project.
    So it seems that the build version number can be stored in the .fbz7, but without saying it. Moreover, it is not very compable with the versionning policy : each time I compile, I need to commit my .fbz7 project.
    I know I could use a Property Set, but the .fbpinf way to handle build version is much more easy for our migration process.
  • In the delphi action I also check "auto update fileversion string". the build number change, but the FileVersion info is not updated. If I uncheck/check the checkbox, the FileVersion is updated.

Thanks for your help.



Hi Yves

FB7 Still uses the fbpinf to persist the auto incremented build number, however there is a bug in the version you are using that stops that from happening. This build has the fix for this issue :


As for the Auto Update FileVersion String option, that seems to work as it should in my testing, if you still have problems with it with the new build then let me know.


thanks for your very quick info.

You new version is better. When I run the project with , eveything is ok. the .fbpinf is now updated.

But ! when I run the action using "Run Selected Action", the build version number is not updated

I also still have the problem with FileVersion : this string in the Version info is not updated by the Module version number, even if the "Auto-Update FileVersion String" is checked.

It also seems that the .fbping is not produre for BuilderC++ 6 action




Thank for this new version FB7 v1771.
This is better (only for the Delphi action).

However, I confirm; we have always 2 problems:

1 - “Action Delphi” AND “Action C++Builder Project”:
if we use action “Run Selected Actions” or “Run Selected Actions And Children”,
==> the build version number is not incremented.
(no problem, if we use “Run”, “Run From Current Action” or “Run Current Action list”)

2 - “Action C++Builder Project” ONLY:
if we close the project fbz7, and next we re-opened the same project
the build version number is lost.
We have the similar behaviour, if you test (several time) with a command line : example : "C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder 7\FBCMD.exe" /P"C:\test_FB_v1771.fbz7" :
==> the build version number is never incremented.

Remark (it’s maybe coincidence or not): Observation about the Action.name about “Action Delphi” and “Action C++Builder Project”

With FB5 and FB6, the names of these 2 actions were:
- “Compile Delphi Win32 Project”
- “Compile C++Builder Project”

With the pre-version FB7 (v534), the name of these 2 actions was always:
- “Compile Delphi Win32 Project”
- “Compile C++Builder Project”

==> Just here, no problem: the build version number is correctly incremented (Delphi and C++Builder Project).

From the FB7 (v642) and up to the official current version (v1724), these 2 actions name were become:
FB7 v642
- “Build Delphi Win32 Project”
- “Build C++Builder Project”

FB7 v1724
- “Build Delphi”
- “Build C++Builder Project”

==> Since FB7 v642, the build version number is not correctly incremented (Delphi and C++Builder Project).

(I have not verified all FB7 versions)

I remain available, if needed for more information.

Thanks for your help.



Hi Fred

Looks like the CBuilder action had the same bug. Also the issue with not incrementing the build number when running selected actions is a bug, this build includes fixes for both issues :


Hi Vincent,

Thank for this new version FB7 v1777.
This is better for these 2 subjects.

Again thank.
