FBCMD hangs after build is completed

Hi everyone,

 when using Continua to build our FInalBuilder projects the builds will occasionally run forever even though the actual build script has finished long ago. The cause seems to be that the FBCMD.exe does not terminate after the script is finished so that Continua does not know that the build is finished.

Is there a way to fix these hang ups?

We have been chasing a shutdown bug but have yet to get confirmation from the person who reported the bug that it’s fixed or not. This build has the fix we gave the other customer :


Also, can you check in your %TMP% folder on the agent machine when logged in as the same user the agent runs under, if there is a bugreport.txt file there, please email it to support @ finalbuilder.com so we can check if it’s the same issue or not.

I could not find a bugreport.txt. I was able to extract a stack trace with madExcept in the hopes that it might help. I have sent that.
We will try the new build and see if that improves the situation.

Unfortunately build 2639 does not seem to be working for us at all. We set a FB variable to “[C:\CI_WS\Ws\1774\Temp]” at the start.
This path is used as a unit output directory in a “Build Delphi” action later on. When running this action however we receive an error like
“F2039 Could not create output file ‘UC:\CI_WS\Ws\1774\Temp\sdDebug.dcu’”
I have no idea where that extra U in the path would come from.

After downgrading back to 2610 it works just fine.

What version of Delphi are you using?

We are using Delphi XE.

The update posted today should fix the extra character in the path. It also has previous fix applied for a shutdown issue.

Thanks. I have now updated FinalBuilder and will see if it helps with the shutdown problems.

Sadly we still see problems with FBCMD not terminating properly after a build even with build 2641. The stack trace seems to be identical.