Feature request: on error stage

I am currently integrating automatic builds of pull requests. I have the following stages for CI:

1) Initialize

2) Build

3) Test

4) Finalize

My idea is to update the github status in the Initialize stage. In the Finalize stage I set the status to succes. This all works great. However, I also want to set the state to error when *any* of the stages fail. For example, unit tests fail. I don't want to add a try/catch around all the stages (some CI builds have even more stages).

I want the same thing that is available in FinalBuilder, an OnError stage which runs when any error occurs.

Hi Geert,

We have been working on an "Event Handlers" feature to be triggered by various events in the Continua CI build process. This includes an Update GitHub Status handler as well as a handler for tagging changesets in repositories. We plan to release this as part of version 1.1 over the next couple of months

Excellent! Let me know if you need beta testers.