Features for Export Log Action

I’m looking for a way to export the log, but only at the current level, to that the log would include it’s peers and decendants only, but no ancestors.
For example, consider this structure:

ActionList, level 1
–ActionList, Level 2, #1
----Export Log #1
–ActionList, Level 2, #2
----Export Log #2
–Export Log #3

Log #1 would include all the actions inside ActionList #1
Log #2 would include all the actions inside ActionList #2
Log #3 would include all the actions inside both ActionList #1 and #2

The reason is that I have different action list that build different projects, and different teams are responsible for the builds of these projects. So if a project fails to build properly, I want to give that team a log that pertains only to their project, and not the whole dang thing.

Also, would it be possible that when you export a log to HTML, it will be indented? As is, the log file structure is hard to follow!

Mike - added to todo list.

Yeah, that would be handy - more advanced logging in general would be nice. I’m just implementing some text-based logging as looking at the whole .htm is just too messy and detailed. I need a high level structure that will show me at a glance how far it got: did this build complete, get half way, etc.



Yes, I’m doing the same. I’m using File Write Actions in append mode to write a simple text log as I go. But of course this log does have detailed command output, it just gives me a general idea of what succeded and what failed. When something fails, I still have to dig into the full log to get those kinds of details. The full log (in either HTML or XML) is several megabytes, so that’s why I’d like to break it down.

Two More requests I’d like to make, regarding exported HTML logs:

1. If you do make them indented as I requested above, can you make them collapsible?

2. When you click View to see a commands output, wide output stretches out the columns. Can you write the HTML to prevent this? Ideally the output would be in its own container in the table cell with its own scroll bars, so that it doesn’t stretch out the rest of the table.