Hi there at VSoft,
is it possible to get the FinalBuilder Setups in a normal setup file format like MSI or something like that.
To protect against malware attacks our admins blocked the execution of Exe files in the temp directories of the user systems. So if we want to install a new FinalBuilder Version we have to wait until our admins install it or unblock it (Because every FB setup has a new name a general rule don’t run.). This is a mess if you have a site licence with several users.
By the way another info for you. Today our Sophos UTM Web Protection Gateway blocks the download of the actual FinalBuilder 8 v2007 Setup. Older versions are not blocked.
Sophos reports: “Blocked Category (Potiental Unwanted Programs)”
Hi Thomas
We have tried several times in the past to get an msi based installer working, but each time it made the install process slow and unpleasant. The current innosetup based install is fast and simple. There are tools to repackage installers which your admins can use, we have no plans to create an msi install at this time.
The reason for each new version installer name is to deal with browser/proxy caching, which caused us and some customers a lot of hassle in the past, with people just getting the old version of the file when trying to download the new one.
As for the false positives, there’s not much we can do about it. Our installers are signed with a valid code signing certificate, so not sure why sophos would be treating it as a pup. Do they have a way of submitting a program for validation?
Hi Vincent,
we will try to repackage the Installation files.
I don’t know if Sophos has a validation process. Our admins can unblock the files we need at the Sophos gateway. But the scan signatures are automatically updated from Sophos. We will see if you relase the next FinalBuilder version.