FinalBuilder - Team Foundation Apply Label Command

I am currently using FinalBuilder 7, and want to apply a new label to my source code held in TFS.

Does anyone know what I should put in the field "Server ItemSpec"?



Hi Jon,
Itemspec is the path to the files/folders in source control that you want to label. For example, $/Proj/Folder/File.txt



Thanks Ben.
Do I need to call some other commands as I get the error “unable to determine the source control server” when I run this?
The parameters/Process I’m using is…
- Team Foundation Create Workspace
- Team Foundation Map Working Folder
- Team Foundation Apply Label (with the following parameters)…
- Server itemspec = $/.
- Label Name = TestLabel
- Label Scope = $/
The command line (in the build Log) says…
- Command line: label TestLabel@$/ “$/.” /version:T

Hi Jon

I’m no TFS expert, but I believe this command can only work on a TFS working folder, which has the information about the server in it. I suspect you may need to map the working folder first and the apply the label. TFS is a bit strange in how some commands need the server supplied and some will only operate on a working folder.


Thanks Vincent, but I’m already mapping the working folder (the second command I’m running). Is this what you meant or is there another command I need to run?
Regards, Jon

That was it, not sure what else could be the cause… I’ll ask Ben to take a look at this again tomorrow.

Hi Jon,
In the log, are you seeing the correct workspace directory? I also noticed that for some reason no username/password are being passed - do you have credentials set up either globally or for the action?

FYI, my (successful) log output is:

Workspace Directory: C:\Users\ben.OFFICE\Desktop\tfs
Command line: label /login:“office\ben”,PASSWORD LabelingIsFun@$/ “$/.” /version:T /recursive
Created label LabelingIsFun@$/



Many Thanks Ben.

For some reason even though I had set the workspace correctly, when I issued the label command it used and incorrect workspace directory.

I set the command to use the correct directory and now all works.

Thanks for your help.

