Find Network Adapter Errors out

I have created a script with Automise and when I use “Find Network Adapters” it just reports “an error occurred while finding network adapter”. I have tried both on a XP and Vista machine and I get the same error. I checked the automise forums but didn’t find hits on this. Any suggestions, how can I troubleshoot this further?


Hi Mark,

Thanks for reporting this issue, here’s the new build of Automise 3 which fixes the problem.



Thank for replying. I downloaded the update and installed it on two different machines (vista and XP) and with both it won’t start Automise. I sent in a bug report, the email contained:

callstack crc : $6b715c8d, $c1002b6d, $b79580be
exception number : 1
exception class : EElHashFunctionUnsupportedError
exception message : Unsupported algorithm (32767).

What if anything can you suggest at this point?

Hi Mark

This looks to me like an invalid license key issue (we should be handling the error better than that though!). Are you using an oem version of Automise? If so the you need to contact your supplier for a new build, our oem customers were provided with new builds today.

Thanks Vincent, we are a zenith partner and it was a license error. I now have the new build for Automise where the bug in “Find Network Adapters” was fixed. However, when I run it on a computer with multiple nic’s i get several mac’s, how can I choose just one mac so that i can then plug that into “configure network”? I don’t see any way in automise to modify or truncate the variable. Thanks!

Hi Mark,

If you wish to perform operations on all of the adapters then you’ll need to use a ‘List Iterator’ action to iterate over the list of MAC addresses returned by the action, otherwise you’ll need to filter the adapters by either specifying the adapter/IP configuration in the action properties, or by saving the adapter information to a variable and parsing the information to find the correct adapter.


Hi Mark

Since you are using an oem version, I must ask that you contact Zenith for support in the future. There are some differences between the oem version and the public version and dealing with those differences would be confusing for everyone involved.