FTP Mirror eats away folder names, when recursive


Just updated FB7 from version to and all our builds containing FTP-Mirror actions fails.
The new build introduces at FTP-Mirror action, that eats away characters from subfolder names, when recursive.

We use FB7 for upload of new builds to automated testing, to prevent erronous builds from reaching end users. (just a hint)

A fix is most urgent Please.

Hi O2m,

I will be looking into this today for you. Due to the nature of ftp server implementations being varied occasionally changes made have adverse on ftp servers not in our testing pool.

To aid us in solving this issue having the name of the ftp server in question would help greatly. Also an expansion on what is occurring to the sub-folders would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: In addition to this the settings of the ftp mirror would be help greatly.

Thank you. 

Hi O2m,

I have found something that could be messing with the directories written to a remote host. The build with these updates is listed below.

Please let me know if this does address the issue your seeing.


Hi Jason,

First of all, thx, for the fix. Unfortunately I’m not able to test the fix, Error dialog say: Subscription expired. ( For your information i have a valid licence/subscription)

We are using a filezilla ftp server. But i do not suspect the ftp implementation regarding this bug. I was running FB7 3319 with no problems. upgraded to 3472 and the problem was introduced.
Then i read through FB7 version history and could see that a “fix” to FTP-mirror was introduced in 3396 (Bug Fix - FTP Mirror - Corrected filtering of directories to handle sub-directories.)
I do suspect the error to be introduced in this build. As a consequence I reverted to the previous build 3368. I might have been right, the problem disappeared.

The problem: I i instruct FTP-mirror to move the entire content of c:\temp recursive to at remote dir. Subfolders vil have their name shortend so if there is a subfolder named c:\temp\abcde the transfer will try to mirror a folder named c:\temp\abc. Given the that there i no such folder, the action will fail. (Absolutely regardless of the ftp servers implementation)

Best regards


Sorry, it turned out, that I had a license issue. Once this was fixed, I installed the version you provided 3485.
The FTP-mirror isssue was fixed. Thank you.
I do still wonder why you want all the information regarding the FTP server!

When do you expect to release a official build?

Best regards 

Hi Jesper,

We will be looking to release a new build today, or the at the latest tomorrow.

Interestingly enough the error your seeing didn’t appear in our Filezilla server tests, yet it did appear in some vsftpd tests. You would be surprised as to how server configuration can affect the output given back to FinalBuilder. Basically for the mirror action to work we need to parse information sent back from the ftp server. Just as a simple example some servers return . and … as directories in listings when we perform the comparison. Others do not.

In this particular case it turns out that the trailing path delimiter was being returned in some calls, while in others it was not. This caused a mismatch in our comparisons and potentially could cause path manipulation to cut too much off.

Simply put, having as much information as possible about the issue allows us to rule out potential causes quicker. Resulting in a quicker solution.

Hi Jason,
latest official build i can find is: FinalBuilder from January 4th, 2016
Do you have an ETA for a new official build?

Hi Jesper,

FinalBuilder has been released today. You can download this directly from:
