Old XP machine
Virtual Machine
FinalBuilder V7.0.0.787
Windows XP
New machine:
Virtural machine
Windows Server 2012 Standard
I created a new HYPER-V virtual machine using windows server and copied my final builder project files from the old XP machine to the new XP machine. The project still works fine on my XP machine.
When I try to do a FTP connect, change directory, and then a FTP upload, the upload errors out. The connect and change directory are successful. The connection and change directory seem slow compared to the old XP machine as well.
When I installed Filezilla to the new server machine and upload a file to the site it works fine.
I did notice that when I was trying to troubleshoot the issue I created a completely new project and only had one command that was to connect to the FTP site I was sometimes getting a Socket Error # 10060
Unfortunately when it fails it just says "Upload Failed" and there are no error codes or anything listed.
Because it works with filezilla I am assuming that it should be working with finalbuilder as well.
Any thoughts on what to try? Should I uninstall finalbuilder and install the old version? Change a setting somewhere?