FTPS connection not working, error Unable to connect to FTPS Server. Wrong socket state 4 in SetAddress (error code is 96258)

I'm getting the following error when testing my FTPS connection action:

"Unable to connect to FTPS Server. Wrong socket state 4 in SetAddress (error code is 96258)"

These same settings work fine when I use beyond compare.

In beyond compare I have my FTP site define as:

Protocol: FTPS (Explicit SSL)

Port: 950

Username: xxxx

Password: xxxx

And I have the initial remote folder setup.

In Final Builder, I created a FTPS connect action, with the server and port, and username and password the same as my BeyondCompare setup.

Authentiation is set to AUTO with 'encypt data channel' checked, and all the SSL/TLS modes are checked.

What am I doing wrong here?

Which Version/Build of FinalBuilder Server are you using, which FTPS Server implementation are you trying to connect to? Do you have a proxy between you and the server?