Today I had a problem. I resolved it by reinstalling, so this is just to let you know.
When I start FB, the splashscreen loads, with all packages showing their load in the splash. The splashscreen dissapears, but the IDE is not shown. In the taskmanager I do not see a FB process running.
Also when running from commandline/CruiseControl.Net the same thing happens (closing without doing anything).
Maybe it has something to do with our previous FB6 version. Some time ago, about 2 weeks, I tried to use our new FB7 license on the FB6 installation. I did not expect it to work, but at that time I did not fancy installing FB7. FB6 then complained about the trial period (I think ‘trail period over’) so I installed FB7 next to it with the new license. This worked without a problem. One week later I deinstalled FB6. And now I had the problem.
Using FB on windows XP sp3 with all latest updates.
Have a look in your %TEMP% folder, is there a bugreport.txt file there? If so send it to support @ finalbuilder.com. Did you try re-installing FB7?
Hi Vincent,
I did fix the problem before by reinstalling FB 7.
After posting into the forum it became clear we had some other problems as well, so we restored a snapshot of the build-pc. As a result the bugreport is not available anymore.
So just to be clear:
- We do not have a problem with Finalbuilder now
- Our build-pc was out of nowhere having problems with some dll registrations, probably including FB registrations (any tips?
There is a dll and a type library in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VSoft that we register during install.