In the installation directory of FinalBuilder there is a DotNetConfig.xml file. Inside this file you will find the following element “<Framework version=“v3.5” integer=“35”>”, under which you will see a number of SDK Install Path elements. If you can add the following as the first SDKInstallPath element
Backup your current DotNetConfig.xml and use the following one. This one correctly looks for the windows 8 sdk directory for 4.0 (and inline replacements).DotNetConfig.xml (3.007 KB)
Failure adding assembly to the cache: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Action Failed C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\gacutil.exe returned : 1
This issue should be fixed in the update we just posted on the website. Jason & I finally figured out what the cause was today, I’m surprised that we haven’t seen this issue before.
Sorry, still does not work as expected. This time v4.0 is working but not 3.5. [code] The .NET SDK version you are trying to use (v3.5) is not installed. Change the version in the action properties or the default in the FinalBuilder Options.[/code] I have a project which creates a .Net 2.0/3.5 package and a 4.0 package. So I need to run GacUtil with both SDKs.
Can you show export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows registry key to a text file and send it to support at finalbuilder so we can see why 3.5 is not working?
We’re working on this. Getting it to work reliably on every machine with every sdk version is proving difficult… microsoft keep changing how things are installed, and the behavior on windows 8 is different to 7 for some of the older versions.
Posted By Vincent Parrett on 06 Aug 2013 03:26 AM We're working on this. Getting it to work reliably on every machine with every sdk version is proving difficult.. microsoft keep changing how things are installed, and the behavior on windows 8 is different to 7 for some of the older versions.
I totally understand the pain point here. MS APIs and software installations and various behaviours in x86/x64 on different platforms is driving me slowly to the loony bin. Please be careful when using the WOW6432 node in the registry Microsoft reserve the right to change it's use. See Had to add .net 4 code to work the the correct registry hive as well as Windows API's for .net framework code prior to 4.0. PITA. See for an overview in the .net world.