Get Timestamps ( Modified / Access Time ) for a Zip File

I’ve used this action Extract Zip File in my automise job.
 I need to check this execute condition under the run time tab : File Access Time - File Modified Time >= 2 minutes.
Is there a way to do this ( with VBscript or Javascript) ?

The following is javascript which will get the file access time and file modified time and see if there is more than 2 minutes difference. Remove the Math.Abs if you want to only know that access time is 2 minutes more than modified time.

You can run the script in a script action and then save the result to a project variable. To do this you can use the following.

FBVariables.MyVar = moreThanTwoMinutesDiff;

[code] var fs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");var Filename = "C:\Temp\test.xml";if (FileExists(Filename)) { var f = fs.GetFile(Filename); if (f == null) { Action.SendLogMessage("Unable to open and check " + Filename, stError); return false; } var twoMinutes = 2000; Action.SendLogMessage("Last Accessed: " + f.DateLastAccessed); Action.SendLogMessage("Date Created: " + f.DateLastModified); var moreThanTwoMinutesDiff = Math.abs(f.DateLastModified - f.DateLastAccessed) >= Math.abs(twoMinutes); if (moreThanTwoMinutesDiff) { Action.SendLogMessage("More than two minute diff " + Filename, stInformation); } else { Action.SendLogMessage("Less than two minute diff " + Filename, stInformation); }}else { Action.SendLogMessage("Could not locate file " + Filename, stError);}if (fs != null) { fs.Close;}[/code]