Handling failed iteration steps

I have an iteration where inside each step an error can occur. In that case the iterations shall not stop, but continue with the next step. Ideally the failed step should be marked as failed to have a quick oversight in the log. 

Currently I have a try-catch-end structure to handle the fail, but this camouflages the fail at the iteration level. I had the idea to raise an exception inside the catch and set the iterator to Ignore Failure, but I am not sure if this will do. Is there a better way?

As an alternative I would accept a customized error message in the log title of the iteration.

Use a try catch inside the iterator, and in the catch record the step and failure in a variable, and set another variable to indicate that there was an error, then when the iterator completes you can deal with the errors(if any). Raising an error in the catch will cause the iterator to stop so not the way to deal with this.

Seems I am out of luck here. I have not found a way to set the iteration to failed (which would be sufficient when I ignore it) nor could I manage to change the description of the iteration line.

Just to explain my intention: When you inspect the log file and you expand the iterator node you get a list of lines for each iteration (plus one for the end). In my case some of the iterations may fail, but I want the iterator to proceed in that case (got that covered with a try-catch). Ideally the line with the failed iteration should get a red cross to indicate the failure.

Dealing with iterations of 50-100 stept it is quite tedious to expand each node to find out which iterations failed or not, so a solution to this would come in handy. So is there a possibility to mark an iteration as failed and not stop the iterator?

Hi Uwe

There is no ability to retrospectively modify a log entry, so once the action has finished running and it’s status has been logged (by sending a message to the logger), it can’t be changed. I’ll have a look at this but I doubt it can be done without completely changing how the logging works (no small task).