Hangs on second project

Hi Vincent!

I tryed did what you said, but I can’t find the %TEMP%\ExceptionLog.txt.
I looked for all directories in my machine, but no one file was found with this especific name.
I did the testes some times to make sure this.

My mistake, it should be called FinalBuilderExceptionLog.txt

I must be doing something wrong!
I open a Promtp from MSDos.
I get in on the directory “c:\Program Files (X86)\FinalBuilder7”;
I type “FinalBuilder7.exe /LOGEXCEPTIONS.”
The FB is open and I run the projects.
I close the FB, but I can’t find the file.

Hi Ede,

The log will be located in your %TEMP% directory. To locate this on your machine. Windows will automatically expand this for you of you type it into the Run dialog off the start menu or in a folder windows address bar. In this directory you should find a FinalBuilderExceptionLog.txt file.

Please send this into support@finalbuilder.com when you have located it. Please DO NOT post it here.


Was exactly what I did, but the Windows wasn’t capable to find this FInalBuilderExceptionLog.txt file.

Hi Ede,

Try “FinalBuilder.exe -LOGEXCEPTIONS” (without the quotes).

Even running the command the way you passed me, I couldn’t find the file.
Did it have anything related to Tools / Options / FinalBuilder / Logging.
Is there some setting I should be doing this menu to get this log?

Hi Ede,

There are no other options which affect the logging of the exceptions, unless your system has been setup with different locations for %TEMP%. This leads me to believe that there are no exceptions occurring. I will review the code again later today and get back to you with any other steps we can take here.

Ok, I will wait for it!

Thank You for all!

Hi Ede,

Try the following locations for the exceptions log.

1. The path specified by the %TMP% environment variable.
2. The path specified by the %TEMP% environment variable.
3. The path specified by the %USERPROFILE% environment variable.
4. The Windows directory.

All these while running the -LOGEXCEPTIONS parameter with FinalBuilder. Again once you locate the file please send it to support @ finalbuilder.com.

Hi Jason…

I did what you said in the other times. I did “n” tests, but no success.
I looked for the file in my entire machine, but this file doesn’t exist.

Understand. This is perplexing, and the behavior your seeing in the video you have linked is hinting at there being something which crashed. Typically this is from an exception.

Leave this with me. Without an exception log or a project to reproduce the issue in its proving hard to track down what the issue is. Also with saying things are working fine on other machines, its hard to rule out something changing on the problem machine.

Anyway, today I run a project and always close and open again the FinalBuilder to run a second project.
This already has become routine and has not hindered me at all.
If you do not succeed in solving this problem soon, don’t worry, this problem isn’t something so critical.

Thank you for all Jason

Thank you for your patience in this.

I will still be chasing this.

Ok, I’ll wait.
As soon as you can solve this, let me know!


Hi Ede,

I have tried to reproduce this issue today, and also see what could be stopping this working. Sadly I wasn’t able to get FinalBuilder to perform the way it is for you.

Is there anything special about the computer this is occurring on? Any updates or changes which occurred just prior to FinalBuilder failing in this way?

Hi Jason.

Has no special things in this machine. I have changed machine recently and I had the same comportament.
I don’t know why or what it’s happening.
I’m using Windows 7 64 bits SP1 on a Intel® Core™ i7-3370 CPU @3.40Ghz, 8 GB RAM
Anyway, thank you for your effort in trying to help.