Hangs on second project

And there guys!

I’m having a little problem, I don’t know if it happens only to me, but there you go!

I open a project and run by FB. It ends with success, then I close this project, but not closing the FB and open a second project.
At the moment I try to run, apparently it will not passing steps, the screen is always frozen and no more than one action to another.
He ends the process without returning any errors, but the “little green man never stops running” and I can not finish. Always give me the message that FB is still running, although my project have already been finalized.

Have you seen something?


I forgot to mention that I am using the FB version on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.
This happens with any project.
I Created two simple projects, one creating a zip file and another just copying from one directory to another.
Still freezing happens.

Hi Ede,

I am unable to get this behavior to occur here. A couple of questions;

- Are there any other Finalbuilder processes running on the machine? Any that haven’t fully closed correctly?
- Also would you be able to attach a zip file of the two simple projects your using?
- Have you tried this in FinalBuilder. v7.0.0.2232, which is available on the downloads page?

Hi Jason…

Here your answers…

1 - No, Don´t have any project fully closed;
2 - I believe don’t be necessary attach a zip file, because any project have the same comportament. But I will attach anyway.
3 - I don’t try with the v.

But I’m using the v., and in the v. I had the same problem.

Folow the steps below, and try please.

1 - Open FB and create a simple project (create a zip file for example); Save this.
2 - Close this project and create another one. Just simple to (copy a file).Save this one to.
3 - Close this project and close FB.
4 - Open FB and open the first project;
5 - Run this project. Wait finish and close this project (only close the project) not FB.
6 - Open the second one, and run it.
7 - Observe the yelow status bar, always still “Running” or it be “completed” but The little green man still “Running”
8 - Try Close the FB. You will receive a message “Are you sure you want to close Final Builder? The build process will be stoped when the current accion finished”, but it never finished.

How can I attach a zip file?

Hi, some news about this “problem”?

Hi Ede,

I have still been unable to reproduce this issue. I will be talking to Vincent about it today so see if he has any insights.

Thank You Jason.

I will wait for it!

Hi Ede,

To help in debugging this issue further what Anti-virus are you running at present?

Also was there anything which changed on the system between projects being able to run, and not run?

Hi Jason.

I’m running Kastersky Endpoint Security 10 Version
The projects are the same, the only change is the directory of compilation (Trunk or Tag).

Hi Ede,

My guess (have scheduled to try this) is that either virus checker or something else (seems your using version control of same sort with the references to “trunk” and “tag”) could have locked up the use of the log file. Try excluding the directory, or log file type from your virus checker. If that isn’t possible, even going the whole way and disabling the virus checker for a moment and seeing if that allows a fresh run up of Finalbuilder to complete a run through.

Hi Jason,

I tryed disable my Virus Scanner, but not solve my problem.
I recorded a video of my action. How can I upload this file for you?

Hi Jason.

I did the following test.
I downloaded the FB Trial v and installed on a Virtual Machine.
I created 2 new projects and run its. They was executed perfectly, no erros, no hangs.
I’m thinking update my version, and I hope this issue doesn’t happens again.

Thank you for all

Ops, I forgot to say…

I made this test on a Windows XP SP3.
In my work machine, I have Windows 7, if I don’t have the same results, I report to you again.

Hi Ede,

Good to hear that the latest version isn’t causing this same hang on a new machine. If you need you can send through you video with a quick description of you issue to support@finalbuilder.com.

Tell us how the latest version goes on your work machine.

Hey Guys… What’s up!

I have updated my FB Version to and guess what!
The same hang problem!
I really thinking this problem have something with my Windows Version.
On Windows XP this problema doesn’t happens, but in the Windows 7 persist.

What I have to do??

Hi Jason.

I have recorded a video to show you what really happens.
In this link below you can download the file. (28Mb). My e-mail server doesn’t support files with this size.
It’s virus free! I guarantee.

Please, watch this video e look what you do for me!

Hi Ede,

It seems that the projects fbpInf file is locked for some reason. Try making this writable and running the same test.

Hi Jason,

I don’t think this is the problem.
At first the file was really as read-only.
I removed the attribute at runtime of the project, ie to start running the FinalBuilder project I created an action to remove the read-only attribute of the file, but it did not work.
So I decided to remove the read-only attribute before starting the project, and had the same result.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Thanks!

Hi Ede

Can you try running FinalBuilder7.exe from the command line, and add a /LOGEXCEPTIONS parameter. This will create a file %TEMP%\ExceptionLog.txt - that may help us find out what is going. Note that it will slow down FinalBuilder a lot as it logs all exceptions, even those that are handled. Once you see the error, find the file and send it to support @ finalbuilder.com so we can take a look (do not post it here).