I have several Build Delphi Win32 actions in my FinalBuilder project. I am building an older Delphi 6 project with those actions. Each FinalBuilder build action needs to build the same project but with different Delphi conditional defines.
Since Delphi 6 does not have the concept of a project file with different builds in it (Win32 vs 64, debug vs release, etc.) I need to pass varying conditional defines. The basic Delphi project is configured for a debug release with none of the conditional defines I need FinalBuilder to use. However, with FinalBuilder I need to create a non-debug release with a variation in the server it connects to via constants in a source file that change based on what conditional define is set.
I have tried in the FinalBuilder build action to add something to Extra Command Line Options like:
where I change GOLD1 to GOLD2, GOLD3, or GOLD4 based on the desired server choice for that build. However, that does not appear to have any effect on the output from FinalBuilder. The resulting build just ends up being the debug release with the default server choice to connect to.
Am I doing something obviously incorrect, or is what I’m trying to accomplish just simply not possible? Will I have to instead just create multiple Delphi projects (.dpr’s)?
Hi Kurt
There is a field on the Directories tab of the Delphi action for Conditionals. That is the setting you are looking for, which maps to -D for the compiler.
Thank you. Yes, the additional -D compiler conditional define option did end up working and was working all along. The issue turned out to be a configuration change that was overriding the default URL’s in our application. This problem has been settled.