How to create an Exe or Shortcut of Automise Project?

I have created a project in Automise that runs successfully when I open Automise and run it from there. However, I would like to have Exe files ot Batch files or shortcuts of the projects that I create so that I do not have to run Automise everytime I need to run some action. Is there a way to do this?

Hi Vikas,

You can use the Automise command line options to create a shortcut with the properties you need.

Step 1) create a Shortcut to Automise in Windows Explorer.

Step 2) Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties, click on the Shortcut tab, then edit the Target text field. The field currently contains just the Automise executable, but you need to add some parameters like this:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Automise 2\Automise.exe” /n /r /e “C:\Documents and Settings\MyUser\My Documents\Automise Projects\My Project.atz2”

(Change the paths to Automise and the project file, as applicable.)

Step 3) Click OK and then rename the shortcut to describe the operation it performs.

If you want the project to run under the ATCMD command line executable, create a shortcut to ATCMD and edit it like this:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Automise 2\ATCMD.exe” /p"C:\Documents and Settings\MyUser\My Documents\Automise Projects\My Project.atz2"

Hi Vikas,

As well as what Angus suggested, there is another way to do this, but you need to do some hacking in the registry…

By default, if you double-click a .atz2 or .atp2 file it will open it with Automise, but if you right click there is also the option to “Run Project”. The run project option will run the project using the ATCMD.exe application.

Now, for brave souls only, you can configure this behaviour in the registry (standard disclaimer - be careful, back it up first, don’t blame us if you stuff it up! :slight_smile:

Have a look in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Automise2.Project\shell - there are two keys in there, open and Run Project. You can add more, and change the behaviour of the existing ones if you want to.


Two solutions for the price of one! ;-).

What about a way to create a shortcut icon to a webpage?  I'm trying to get it to work and I get:

Warning : The target file does not exist.

The target file being:

I can do this with a regular shortcut but not through Automise.



You will need to use some VBScript for this, add a Run Script Action and use this script (modify as needed) in the OnExecute :

Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
strDesktopPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders(“Desktop”)
Set objShortcutUrl = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktopPath & “\My Web Site.lnk”) 'the shortcut name
objShortcutUrl.TargetPath = “
objShortcutUrl.IconLocation = “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,1”