How to execute dos commands in remote machine?

I need to execute certain dos commands in the  remote machine (Windows OS).

Which action from the final builder tool I need to use ?




 ipconfig /all


 netstat -na

 route print

 For Linux server, we have used SSH actions, which were executing successfully. In the same way we need to execute certain command in Windows Server, but we dont find any actions to perform it.

In Windows OS action, Run Dos command / Batch file is there, but not for remote machine.

Can you guide me how to do the above tasks. I need to capture the command output also.


You have 3 options :

Powershell remoting
Install an SSH server on the windows server.

Thanks for your kind response.

1. PSExec - I have already tried this, its keep on running for a longer time, no error messages.

2. Install an SSH server on the Windows server - We have more than 50 servers, so its not possible to touch the running production server.

3. Powershell Remoting - I dont find this action in any of the category, can you tell me the exact location of it.