How to get SUDO on abunto Linux via SSH actions

I am trying out FinalBuilder to do tasks on Abunto Linux servers.   Only one prolem... Some of those tasks require SU.   Interactively, this wouild prompt for a pasword.   That isn't going to work using SSH actions from FB of coruse.    Any suggestions about how this could be achieved?


Hi CM,

I would suggest using the SSH Batch Execute and placing the password in the line below the challenge for sudo password.

This does pose some security issues. Therefore you could prompt for the password on run with an “enhanced prompt for variables dialog” and make sure that logging is turned off for the batch action which logs into sudo.

Another way would be to write an after action which tests to see what the result was from an ssh action. If the text “[sudo] password for username” appears then a variable could be set to flag the password needs to be sent. Next you could test for this and send the password. Again you would have to consider security.

Also note that you can run “sudo -k” to make sure previous credentials are cleared. This can be used to make sure subsequent calls to sudo are challenged as expected.

Do any of these options work for you?