How to know if your delphi project builds a dll or exe when you don't load the version info from the project file?


I made a list iterator to loop (delphi) build a list of project files (*.dpr or *.dpk), i have set up a build delphi action for this where everything is loaded from the project file except for the version info. The problem is that we want to use the existing res files for version info and mainly the icon file, but by doing so when looping using the iterator the isdll property is never updated and probably a few other properties. I was wondering if there was a function to extract data from a dproj file and use it in script, kinda like the button "Load Settings from Project File" does in the project tab of a build delphi action but then for usuage of the values for scripting.

The main problem was if we selected load version info from the project file then the option to regenerate the resource is always enabled and can't be disabled and it messes up our icons we use (we always manage our res files our selves and don't want finalbuilder to recreate them somehow but we do need the info from within the dproj)

Problem basically is that you could load the version info from a dproj file but not actually want to use it for (re)building the resource file like in my case i only want to know if i'm building a dll file or exe file which seems to be impossible for now and i can't seem to find a scripting function that allows me to get that information.

Does anyone know of a way to get this rather simply from within finalbuilder ? I could probably try to parse the dproj file myselve but i rather use the options of finalbuilder for this.

thanks in advance

i just found a solution myselve for this problem:

Just load all settings from dproj file including version information and in the script editor add “action.RegenerateResource = false” in the OnSetVersionNumbers “event”. By doing dus you update all the necassery fields and properties using the dproj file but won’t regenerate the resource file. This is an option that can’t be done using the gui because the option to regenerate the resource will always be checked from within the gui when you load version information from the dproj when building delphi projects. Using scripting you can still disabled it.