I’m using the canned example that comes with Automise:
1. Simple Example of Async Action Groups.atp4
All I’ve done is uncheck the “hide window” for each of the Run Dos Command actions.
How can I make the dos window stay open after it runs the dos command? I just want it to stay open so I can see what it’s doing for now, and once I close the window with my mouse, I want it to continue on with the project. This seems like something I would want to do often when designing a new project.
I tried putting a breakpoint before and after it, but that didn’t help.
See attached for screenshot.
Hi Katie,
this question is posted in the FinalBuilder forum. Maybe it’s better in the Automise forum.
Have you tried using ‘CMD /K’ to keep the window open?
Take care,
Hi Katie,
With the “Run DOS Command / Batch File” action we allow logging of the output to the FinalBuilder log file. This is on by default in the action, and can be turned on/off as the user desired. You can see the output of these runs in the build log tab. If the tab isn’t available you can show it through the view menu.
Note that this view has an option to show live logging. This will slow down builds, yet you will be able to see things as they execute.
Lastly there is the ability to step through builds. Just like in other IDE’s there is a run menu which has the option to step through the current project. This will execute each action in turn and show you how things will act. The only thing to note with this is that it disables async groups by design. We have chosen clarity over complexity in this case.
Hope this helps give you all the information you require for debugging your projects.