How to publish MVC 5 project created using Visual Stuido 2013


I am new to and FinalBuilder.
How can I use FinalBuilder to publish an MVC 5 project created using Visual Studio 2013 to production server. 
Any tutorial out there will be very helpful.

Thank You

Hi Arusoft,

As this is such a large subject area we will need to narrow down the scope a little so that we can provide a more precise solution. So to this end if you could provide a little more information that would be very helpful.

To help you along your way there are a number of resources out there on how to use msbuild to deploy your application.

To use msbuild with FinalBuilder you can either call it directly or use the action.

A command line like the following might work for your purposes, but requires that the project be setup correctly and the website to exist on your server.

msbuild MySolution.sln /peployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Production;AllowUntrustedCertificate=true;Password=MyPass