What is the best strategy to send errors by email after FinalBuilder fails ?
Currently I export the log as HTML and send that file.
The result is this:
Build Delphi [Build TestAttracs Delphi 10.3 Rio](#) (Error in red)
So the concrete error when compiling is not included.
In this case it was.
F:\Attracs\Attracs-Common\code\forms\System\frmSystemDefaultZoneRouteMap.pas(140) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'TBoldObjectList.GetBoldObject' has not been expanded because unit 'BoldSystem' is not specified in USES list
F:\Attracs\Attracs-Common\code\forms\System\frmSystemEBookingCustomer.pas(75) Fatal: F1026 File not found: 'forms\System\frmEditEbookingCustomer.pas'
That would of course be much more helpful.
Any suggestion how I could achieve this ?
I also have a vague memory that this worked before. But not sure when this changed.
I could also add that the compiling happen in a subscript called from main script.
Maybe that matters.
Links to my export HTML settings