Can anyone give me some guidance on how to use the above action?
I’m trying to read the version attribute to a variable (in the attached file I would expect to get $Revision: 1.2$)
Paul James
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your post. I think the following will work (if you post the actual XML file then I’ll test it out and give you a definitive solution.)
Create a “Read XML Value to Variable” action and set it up as shown in the two screenshots.
- Angus
The actual xml is shown in the screenshot on my original post. I experimented with your suggestion and found that if I had a setting of /xs:schema for XPath for Node then everything worked as I was expecting.
Paul James
Hi Paul,
Thanks. I realise that was the XML content, I just didn’t want to copy it manually if I could avoid it (I used to type in assembly language programs on my Apple //e, but that was a while ago now!) Glad you got it working. MSXML and XPath can be very strange bedfellows when namespaces are involved.