How to use Read XML Value to Variable to action


Can anyone give me some guidance on how to use the above action?

I’m trying to read the version attribute to a variable (in the attached file I would expect to get $Revision: 1.2$)


Paul James

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your post. I think the following will work (if you post the actual XML file then I’ll test it out and give you a definitive solution.)

Create a “Read XML Value to Variable” action and set it up as shown in the two screenshots.

- Angus



The actual xml is shown in the screenshot on my original post. I experimented with your suggestion and found that if I had a setting of /xs:schema for XPath for Node then everything worked as I was expecting.


Paul James

Hi Paul,

Thanks. I realise that was the XML content, I just didn’t want to copy it manually if I could avoid it (I used to type in assembly language programs on my Apple //e, but that was a while ago now!) Glad you got it working. MSXML and XPath can be very strange bedfellows when namespaces are involved.

