FinalBuilder version
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 64 bit
The build
Two application variables are declared as integers, and named prevRev and currentRev
The variable currentRev is set with the value 3456.
The variable prevRev is set with the value 2345.
To make sure both values are integers, there are two actions that force the variables to be integers.
After all these actions, there's another "If .. Then" action:
If [ $currentRev$ ] > [ $prevRev$ ] Then
The problem
The condition is evaluated as false, whereas 3456 is greater than 2345, even in the textual representation.
In addition, if the operator is changed to be "smaller than", then the condition is evaluated as true.
the project file can be found here: http://ronklein.co.il/temp/6456228765/if-then-issue.zip
Any help is appreciated.