Inno Setup and CodeSign with USB

What’s the equivalent to SignTool with EV Certificate Fails - #7 by Vincent when using the InnoSetup action?

I’ve got the new USB token working with the Codesign action but can’t quite get it right with Inno. Maybe an addition to Code Signing with USB Tokens could help?

I’ve now worked this out, so in case anyone else needs to know, in the code signing part, I’ve got this:

CodeSigner=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\signtool.exe sign /fd SHA256 /td SHA256 /a /tr /sha1 THUMBPRINT /v $p $f

where THUMBPRINT comes from the certificate (I found it by importing it into windows and viewing it)

You can also look at the command line output to the log when using the signtool action.