When building an InstallAware 15 project with FinalBuilder 7 or 8 I am discovering a corrupt build that will not work properly.
First when the new installer is discovering an old installation it will start the uninstall but then pop up an error: See Uninstall.jpg
This terminates the installation but the uninstall of the original installer works fine. Now the install causes another error (see Install.jpg) which also terminates the install.
If the installer is build in the InstallAware GUI everything works fine.
What is going wrong with the build? I had no problems with this in FinalBuilder 6.
For us to investigate this further would you be able to send us your build scripts for FinalBuilder 6 and 8? This will help us understand what settings are being used and other actions being run. If your unable to send us the full script, a cut down version with as many actions relating to the building of the InstallAware 15 project would be very helpful.
Hello Jason, I tried creating a small sample IA installer and a minimal script but in either case FB6 or FB8 both worked but looked at the previous installation as the same installation. In my case it should be a new build so a previous build un-installation should happen. I had set the update revision check to on but don’t exactly remember if this has caused the issue when using FB8.
The attached FB8 project is different to the FB6 project with some variables missing (namely “VERSION_NAME”). This seems to make the example script not even validate. Also the FB8 project is reading from an ini file that wasn’t included.
Adding back the SPSU_VERSION_NUMBER and VERSION_NAME variables, and disabling the ini file reading action I was able to get the scripts to execute in the same way. As far as I can tell the actions in both FinalBuilder 8 and 6 are passing the same options to InstallAware.
To my understanding your attempting to deploy an installer that will un-install the old installation first then proceed to install itself. The errors that you seem to be getting are related to permissions not being present for the user running the installer. Would the installer by any chance be run by FinalBuilder itself? If so you might need to start FinalBuilder with Administration permissions.
Another thing to check would be to use the Log Variable Value action to log all the variable values just before the InstallAware action. This should tell us if one of the variables is not correctly set.
Lastly please make sure your on the latest version of FinalBuilder 8 and 7 so that we are testing with the same versions, and fixes can be applied directly to the versions in question.
Hello Jason, Thank you for the reply and sorry for responding so late but I was occupied with higher priority items.
I am using FB Interesting in my testing now with the original projects I can’t even make the FB6 build work which troubles me since I haven’t changed anything in these build scripts. The installer is running outside of FB on a different PC actually and is running in admin mode so there is nothing that hinders the access. This error only happens if the InstallAware project is build through FB. When the IA project is build in the IA GUI it does not show the same error.
So how do I use the Log Variable Value action? Is this the setting for Logging Properties under Runtime in the IA action?
So more details after some additional testing. I used the same Installer variables but added the versions as numbers not variables. This build actually worked.
So it must have something to do with the way the variables are passed on to the installer.
Apologies, my understanding was that you were now getting valid builds with the change to the script you had made. Re-reading I can now see that the variable passing is what you suspect to be the issue.
This sounds like the variable is holding a different value to the one your adding manually. What is the value of the variable just prior to running the InstallAware action?
Hello Jason,Thanks for the reply.The variables contain the exact same value as I am manually adding to the IA project.The only thing that I can think of is that the variable is in the default mode with Variant instead of String.I am passing in a version like and a version string like 1-1-1-1.
To get a clearer picture as to why the variable is not working correct would you be able to send us your full project? You can send this to support@finalbuilder.com. Note that you can remove any passwords, or other sensitive information if required. We simply require the InstallAware action and any actions prior that set or interact with variables used by it.
Hello Jason, Finally I am able to pick this up again. I created a mini project just loading the variables and passing them into the InstallAware action. I have send this to support@finalbuilder.com.