We currently have discovered a problem with the Installshield action for Installshield 2012. Whenever a build from Finalbuilder is run, the Installshield action shows and returns an error but there is no error during the setup build. When I run the Installshield project from the IDE no error is shown. When I run the command line generated by Finalbuilder separated in Windows command line tool there is no error as well. The error just appears when we run the build in Finalbuilder.
Maybe Installshield changed the return codes from 2011 to 2012 and/or Finalbuilder fails in evaluating the value(s)?
Let me know if you need more information.
Kind regards Dennis
Just an additional information: It seems that this problem only occurs when I run an Installshield project which was created with Installshield 2011 and converted to 2012.
I have the same issue with converted projects. The build works OK from the Installsheild 2012 IDE and the command line. Run from the Finalbuilder action it always fails. Log output terminates abruptly during building of the dialogs.
[code]Dialog DatabaseFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog Destinatio[/code]
Finalbuilder Installsheild 2012 (Version 18) with SP1
Are you able to compile the offending project using Execute Program action with the command line that the InstallShield action generates? Just leave the default options so that the action will fail if the return code is not equal to zero (in this case it will tell us what the exit code is).
Currently the InstallShield action simply calls IsCmdBld.exe passing parameters based on the options the user has specified. The action succeeds if the exit code equals zero, otherwise it fails.
Can you please let me know whether the action fails with a non-zero exit code?
Steve, I have no idea what happened but today i cannot reproduce this any more. Yesterday I created three new Installshield 2012 projects for those who failed. In order to get the information for you, i checked out the old ones and they work now. Well, i have another 23 projects to migrate, we will see.
There was a difference between Chris and my log output. While Chris log stops within the dialogs my log continued to the end. Chris, are you still able to reproduce it?
I can still reproduce this, however more experimentation has narrowed the issue down.
The IsCmdBld process completes succesfully from the Installshield action, from an Execute Command action and from the Dos command prompt. In all three scenarios correct and complete output is produced.
The Installshield action fails as before. Running an Execute command action fails with "Program returned code : -1073741819" at the same point.
I have experimented with turning off the logging options but cannot find a workaround to the problem, other than to 'ignore failure' which is not desirable.
From what I can tell this seems to be a common problem with IsCmdBld. Other users seem to be experiencing the same problem with 2012 - http://community.flexerasoftware.com/showthread.php?t=199423. One of the users has raised an incident for the issue and posted the incident number.
I would contact InstallShield and see where this incident is up to.
thank you for the link! I will follow this issue at the Installshield site.
Maybe this helps Chris as well: “The return code goes to 0 when I reduce the .Net settings against all components for the ‘.Net scan at build’. As long as they do not require ‘Dependencies and properties’ the error code is zero.”