InstallShield 2012 Location not saved

We're in the process of upgrading our installers to InstallShield 2012. When we tried to convert our build process to the new version we hit an issue, that the FB IDE does not appear to be saving the InstallShield 2012 IsCmdBld.exe location.

The location can be set, and appers to be present in the file when relaunching the options -dialog, but after re-launching the application it's gone, and therefore any build trying to use it via FBS does not work.



Thanks for reporting this. I have checked in a fix and will send you a new build with a new fix shortly.


Here is the build with the fix included:

Can you please confirm that this solves the problem?


Basically the setting is saved now, but we're unable to verify that it operates correctly from a build runnign from FinalBuilder Server, as the following error happens in our build script now, before it can build the installer:

An Unhandled Exception occured in Action : Build VS.Net Solution [ %A_PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH%\%A_PROJECT_NAME%.sln ]
Catastrophic failure
Please report this error to
1f002391 FBVisualStudioDotNET.bpl FBVSDotNetAction       1351 TFBCustomVSDotNetAction.LoadDotNetVersionInfoFromPropertySet
1f001e4e FBVisualStudioDotNET.bpl FBVSDotNetAction       1259 TFBCustomVSDotNetAction.DoUpdateAssemblyInfo
1f001949 FBVisualStudioDotNET.bpl FBVSDotNetAction       1179 TFBCustomVSDotNetAction.Execute
00b63c9a fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionAPI            1659 TCustomFBAction.InternalExecute
00b63f16 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionAPI            1715 TCustomFBAction.DoExecute
007fa255 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner     1065 TFBActionListRunner.StepAction
007fb3e3 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner     1427 TFBActionListRunner.DoRun
007f819c fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner      577 TFBActionListRunner.RunFrom
00b7392d fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerImpl     539 TFBProjectRunner.InternalStep
00b7420f fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerImpl     733 TFBProjectRunner.Run
00b88521 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBIncludeProjectAction  497 TCustomIncludeProjectAction.Execute
00b63c9a fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionAPI            1659 TCustomFBAction.InternalExecute
00b63f16 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionAPI            1715 TCustomFBAction.DoExecute
007fa255 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner     1065 TFBActionListRunner.StepAction
007fb3e3 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner     1427 TFBActionListRunner.DoRun
007f819c fbcoreapi.bpl            FBActionListRunner      577 TFBActionListRunner.RunFrom
00b7392d fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerImpl     539 TFBProjectRunner.InternalStep
00b7420f fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerImpl     733 TFBProjectRunner.Run
00bd92ab fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerThread   165 TFBProjectRunnerThread.DoRun
00bd9479 fbcoreapi.bpl            FBProjectRunnerThread   230 TFBProjectRunnerThread.Execute
00457e9f FBCMD.exe                madExcept                   HookedTThreadExecute
00457d81 FBCMD.exe                madExcept                   CallThreadProcSafe
00457deb FBCMD.exe                madExcept                   ThreadExceptFrame
764a3398 kernel32.dll                                         BaseThreadInitThunk


Could you please try uninstalling FinalBuilder and then re-installing. This looks like something may have been corrupted during the upgrade to the build that I sent you.

Please let me know if after the fresh install, you continue to see this error.
