Installshield 2012 task failing even though the build is suuccesfull


When running the final builder InstallShield 2012 task, the task is flagged as error even though the build is successful.  The InstallShield build log says zero (0) errors and there is only one warning. The install is also created OK in the output folder. Also note that the "Treat warnings as errors" option is not selected. I think it's worth mentioning that I don't see the full build log in the FB output. Here are last couple of lines:

Dialog SetupType for language English (United States) built
Dialog SplashBitmap for language English (United States) built
Resolving strings...
Language English (United States) buil

And the warning:

ISDEV : warning -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework.  It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework.

Any suggestions as to why would FB mark this build as failure?



I forgot to mention that I am using Final Builder version

The problem is that Installshield is reporting a non zero exit code, which is supposed to mean that the build failed :

This is a common and ongoing issue with installshield.

Thanks for your answer. I am new to FB and in process of learning it. I was wondering, is there a way to tell FB - if you get this error code, treat it as a success?

In the AfterAction script event of the Installshield action, you can add some script to check the Action.ReturnCode , eg :

[CODE]if (!ActionResult){ if (Action.ReturnCode == 1234) { ActionResult = true; Continue = true; }}[/CODE]

You will need to see what return code Installshield is reporting, unfortunately the multitude of returncodes installshield uses do not appear to be documented anywhere.

Thank you. Your answer was of great help.